hetton local history group in sunderland
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Hetton Local History Group - Boundary Heritage Walk Part 2

                 Point E information        

(GR 377 478)

Directions to point F
After leaving the farm behind travel for about 150 metres in an easterly direction to where the footpath divides. Take the right had fork and follow the distinct footpath through the fields. (Note. During winter months or periods of heavy and prolonged rain this path which uses the edge of the fields becomes both muddy and more difficult to traverse). After a short while the path makes a distinct right hand kink and then a left turn along a hedgerow until a much wider and more distinct track is reached. Turn right here and head in the direction of Carr House Farm.

( Point F) GR 375 476    QR code or link to information.

Heritage Information Point E

The final approach to Carr House Farm uses the distinct track known as Salters Lane. This track is one of a number of similiar tracks in the North East, along which salt was carried on panniers on the backs of horses. The salt originally came from salt pans on the coast where sea water was trapped and then evaporated before the salt was collected. The salt roads, important after the 11th century, allowed an important trade to take place. The salt was sold at inland markets and isolated houses serving a community. The salt was used to preserve meat, fish and other foods, prior to eating.

Salters Lane runs close to the farmhouse The old and the new. Salters Lane and the Windmills


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