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Hetton Local and Natural History Society Green watch logo

Green Watch      


Working together on the ‘Village Atlas for Hetton’ book* Hetton Green Watch (who completed the sections on ecology and hydrology), and Hetton Local History Group, amalgamated to become Hetton Local and Natural History Society.

This amalgamation was seen by both groups as the way forward in being able to provide a fuller, informative package, to interested parties, about the Natural and Local historical studies of the Township of Hetton-Le-Hole.

If you have a wildlife photograph, (with/without supporting identification, and giving the location where the photograph was taken), which you would like us to record/identify, and re-produce on our website, under your name, then please contact the Society’s Natural History Lead Officer or the Society’s Lead Database Officer.

The Society’s Natural History Section also covers work projects consisting of regular monitoring of Hetton’s conservation sites, species discovered and their habitats as well as any negative issues arising from such, monitoring of issues regarding litter and close involvement with Local Authorities, (including Hetton Town Council), other relative Trusts, Agencies, and ‘Bodies’, as well as local schools in an effort to aid the protection of our local conservation areas, inclusive of their promotion.

If you like our work, and/or share our aims and commitment, why not join us as a member of the Natural History Section, by contacting either; the Natural History Lead Officer, or the Secretary of the Society.

River fly monitoring

Species Identifica

Species Hetton Lyons Country Park 1

Species Hetton Lyons Country Park 2

Various Species

Natural History Lead Officer: Pat Robson, e-mail, patsyrob@hotmail.co.uk

Hetton Local and Natural History Society, Secretary: Alan Jackson, e-mail; alan.t.jackson@talktalk.net

 Lead Database Officer: David Wallace, e-mail; dwallace967@btinternet.com


-- info@hettonlocalhistory.org.uk --